Delivering Canada’s Comparable Health Data

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(Music starts.)

(Bright graphics of charts and graphs appear alongside footage of health care professionals at work. The frame zooms in on a health care professional speaking to a patient lying in a hospital bed. The health care professional is seated beside the patient’s bed.)

When it comes to health care, people want results. 
For health care professionals, that can mean finding a solution to relieve a patient’s chronic pain or treating a rare disease.

(2 people sit in front of computer monitors, discussing the graphs and data displayed.)

For those working with health data, results come from looking at the bigger picture.

(Colourful dots appear and form into data points on a graph.)

To see that picture clearly, they need comparable data related to issues that are important to Canadians, like, more timely access to primary care…

(A graphic of a stopwatch appears.)

…reduced wait times…

(ONSCREEN TEXT: Reduced wait times)

(A graphic of a hospital building appears.)

(ONSCREEN TEXT: Better access)

…better access to  mental health services and long-term care.....

(The door of the hospital building opens, taking us to the next scene featuring a graphic of a stethoscope.)

(ONSCREEN TEXT: Care they deserve)

…and getting the care they deserve when they need it

(Colourful dots appear.  A health care practitioner helps a patient in an MRI machine.)

Alongside stethoscopes, MRI scanners and heart rate monitors, data is an essential health care tool.

(A health care professional views an MRI scan of the patient’s brain.)

(Colourful dots appear. The dots combine to create a map of Canada.)

That’s why AVÐÇÇò works collaboratively with federal, provincial and territorial governments and other partners across the country to make standardized data more accessible.

(Dots pop out of the map, becoming larger and displaying footage of health care practitioners analyzing data and charts, and speaking with patients.)

(1 dot grows larger, displaying a smiling child sitting upright in a hospital bed, holding his mother’s hand and looking at a health care professional who is seated beside the bed talking to him.)

In turn, decision-makers can transform these findings into positive outcomes for people living in Canada.

(Close-up of the mother’s smiling face.)

Having consistent and transparent access to comparable health data is more important than ever.

(A health care professional seated at a desk, reads data from multiple computer monitors.)

(Close-up of the health care professional’s face. Colourful dots appear.)

Know that the results are in…

(ONSCREEN TEXT: The results are in.)

…and we’re ready to help you make sense of them.

(Canadian Institute for Health Information logo)

(ONSCREEN TEXT: Canadian Institute for Health Information. Better data. Better decisions. Healthier Canadians.)

(Music fades out.) 

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How to cite:

Canadian Institute for Health Information. Delivering Canada’s Comparable Health Data. Accessed October 21, 2024.

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