Primary care clients at Ontario community health centres: Characteristics and service use

AVÐÇÇò’s Primary Health Care Database contains electronic medical record data from 73 community health centres (CHCs) in Ontario. This data is submitted by the Alliance for Healthier Communities, which is a network of primary health care organizations serving diverse communities across the province. This report explores client characteristics, services provided in CHCs, use of acute and ambulatory care, and prescription drug use among CHC primary care clients.

Key findings

  • In 2021–2022, there were 332,572 people registered as ongoing primary care clients in 73 CHCs in Ontario.
    • Among these clients, 56% were female, the median age was 36 and more than 30% lived in the lowest-income neighbourhoods.
  • Along with physicians and nurse practitioners, allied health professionals such as social workers, dietitians and counsellors were frequently involved in care. 
  • Primary care clients at CHCs had higher rates of inpatient hospitalizations and emergency department visits for mental health concerns compared with the general Ontario population. 
  • Primary care clients at CHCs had higher hospitalization rates for ambulatory care sensitive conditions compared with the general Ontario population, which may reflect more complex health and social needs among CHC clients.
  • In 2021, 40% of CHC primary care clients accessed the Ontario Drug Benefit program. Drugs used to lower cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of cardiovascular events were the most frequently dispensed drug class.
  • Longitudinal, standardized primary health care data provides a unique opportunity to examine patient journeys through the health system, improve continuity of care and facilitate resource allocation.

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Primary Care Clients at Ontario Community Health Centres: Characteristics and Service Use

Explore client characteristics, services provided in CHCs, use of acute and ambulatory care, and prescription drug use among CHC primary care clients.

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How to cite:

Canadian Institute for Health Information. Primary care clients at Ontario community health centres: Characteristics and service use. Accessed October 22, 2024.

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