Patient-reported experience measures (PREMs): Frequently asked questions

About AVÐÇÇò’s patient experiences survey

What is the Canadian Patient Experiences Survey — Inpatient Care (CPES-IC)?

See AVÐÇÇò’s web page about the patient experiences survey.

How can I learn more about AVÐÇÇò’s CPES-IC and patient-reported experience measures?

See AVÐÇÇò’s web page about the patient experiences survey.
If you have questions about AVÐÇÇò’s CPES-IC, data quality or public reporting, please email prems@cihi.ca.



Reporting patient experience data

Why is it important to report patient experience and what are the benefits of implementing AVÐÇÇò’s patient experiences survey? 

Understanding a patient’s experience when they received health care is integral to improving patient-centred care and assessing the performance of our health systems. AVÐÇÇò’s Canadian Patient Experiences Survey — Inpatient Care (CPES-IC) aims to improve the quality of care received in Canadian hospitals by providing patients, health care professionals and individual hospitals with standardized and comparable information on patients’ feedback about their acute care hospital experience. 

In addition to gaining valuable knowledge about their own care processes, participating hospitals can use patient experience data alongside other health indicators to see how they compare with other hospitals, both in the same jurisdiction and across the country. 

For more information about the use of patient-centred measurement data, check out AVÐÇÇò’s report Patient experience in Canadian hospitals, 2022

How were the patient-reported experience measures (PREMs) selected for public reporting?

AVÐÇÇò undertook a comprehensive process to ensure that these measures reflect patient, clinician, hospital and health system voices and drive improvement in patient-centred care. We consulted with our stakeholders to develop a set of guiding principles to ensure that the measures for public reporting

  • Reflect patient, hospital and system-level voices, emphasizing the patient voice 
  • Represent various themes of patient experience
  • Drive improvement in patient-centred care and support benchmarking across hospitals

Relying on these principles, we worked with health system stakeholders and the Canadian public to arrive at measures that are publicly reported in AVÐÇÇò’s .

For more details on the selection process, email prems@cihi.ca.

Where can I find my hospital’s or jurisdiction’s results?

There are 4 ways you can get results

  1. Your Health System (YHS) web tool
    5 of the 23 PREMs from the CPES-IC are publicly available in AVÐÇÇò’s YHS web tool: 
    • Communication With Nurses
    • Communication With Doctors
    • Involvement in Decision-Making and Treatment Options
    • Information and Understanding When Leaving the Hospital 
    • Overall Hospital Experience

      All 5 measures can be found under the Person-Centredness theme in . The Overall Hospital Experience measure is also reported under the Quality of Care theme in . 
  2. Public reports
    AVÐÇÇò has also released patient experience survey results through the following reports:
  3. Canadian Patient Experiences Survey (CPES): Comparative Results tool
    The CPES: Comparative Results tool provides authorized users with access to results from AVÐÇÇò’s Canadian Patient Experiences Reporting System (CPERS) in a private online environment. CPERS receives data about patient experiences from hospitals or jurisdictions that administer the CPES-IC. The purpose of the CPES: Comparative Results tool is to provide hospital-level comparative results in order to support quality improvement efforts. If you are a submitting hospital and would like to get access, write to help@cihi.ca.
  4. Data Request Program
    Researchers, decision-makers and health managers can request specific data from CPERS though AVÐÇÇò’s Data Request Program. Complete our initial Data Inquiry Form to begin. We will then send you the formal Data Request Form to collect more information. 

To learn more about CPERS data, please visit AVÐÇÇò’s Patient Experience web page or email prems@cihi.ca

Why are my results different from AVÐÇÇò’s results?

To enhance the comparability of results across jurisdictions and peer hospitals, patient experience measures in YHS, the CPES: Comparative Results tool and the All Data Export file have been adjusted for survey design, non-response, mode of survey completion and service line; they have also been age–sex standardized, where applicable, to the hospital population. For more information on these methodologies, please refer to the methodology notes (PDF).


Survey administration

Which Canadian jurisdictions have submitted Canadian Patient Experiences Survey — Inpatient Care (CPES-IC) data to AVÐÇÇò?

See AVÐÇÇò’s web page about the patient experiences reporting system.

Who is eligible to complete the CPES-IC?

The CPES-IC was designed for use in inpatient acute care across 3 hospital service lines: medical, surgical and maternity. Adult patients who received these types of services in an acute care hospital are eligible to complete the CPES-IC. General eligibility requirements for patients include the following:

  • 18 years and older at the time of admission
  • Alive at the time of discharge
  • Occupied an inpatient care bed

Patients are not eligible if they received services in a specialized care facility (e.g., psychiatric or rehabilitation units/hospitals). Please refer to the CPES-IC Procedure Manual (PDF) for more information about the eligible population.

How is the CPES-IC survey administered?

The CPES-IC is administered at the facility, region and/or jurisdiction level, or through a commercial vendor. Administration of the survey varies by jurisdiction. AVÐÇÇò’s CPES-IC Procedure Manual (PDF) provides standards and guidelines for administering the survey. 

Why is it important to administer the survey in adherence to survey standards?

A consistent approach to administering the CPES-IC will allow results to be compared across Canada. The protocols are designed to increase patients’ response rates and to minimize proxy and response bias. It is important to administer the CPES-IC in its entirety and in adherence with the survey standards as outlined in the CPES-IC Procedure Manual (PDF). This helps to maintain consistency among hospitals and jurisdictions and allows for standardized comparative reporting. If you have any questions about the standards, please email prems@cihi.ca


Patient participation

Will I get a survey if I’m in the hospital?

If you’re eligible for the Canadian Patient Experiences Survey — Inpatient Care (CPES-IC), you may be randomly selected from a group of patients who also recently received the same type of treatment as you (surgical, medical or maternity services) at the same hospital. If you’re selected, you’ll get the survey between 48 hours and 1 month after you leave the hospital. It’s up to you whether you do the survey, and you can answer only the questions you want to.

How is my information being protected?

If you do the survey, the organization that gave it to you may send your answers to the Canadian Institute for Health Information (AVÐÇÇò). If AVÐÇÇò gets your answers, we’ll store them in the Canadian Patient Experiences Reporting System (CPERS), one of our databases. We’ll use any information we get in a way that obeys our Privacy Policy, 2010. This document sets out our rules for how we treat personal health information. Our Privacy and Security Program meets the highest standards for keeping health information safe and confidential. 

How are my survey answers used?

Your answers tell us about your experiences in the hospital. Service providers, hospital decision-makers, researchers and funders will use your answers — along with answers from other patients and additional information — to assess how well the health system is performing, and to improve patient-centred care and patient outcomes in Canada.

We’ve combined the answers we’ve received from patients who’ve done the survey and posted high-level results in our Your Health System web tool. You can find them on under the Person-Centredness theme, and on under the Quality of Care theme.

How can I learn more about how AVÐÇÇò is working with patients?

We want to reflect patient voices in our work, so we’re including patients in more and more of our projects. When patients share their expertise, their advice and their journey with us, they give us unique insights that help us to understand our data. Patients’ experiences help to explain our findings, and they make sure that our work is relevant to decision-makers throughout the health care system. 

To learn more, visit AVÐÇÇò’s Working with patients and families page or email patientengagement@cihi.ca.


Survey development and methodology

What factors were considered when developing the Canadian Patient Experiences Survey — Inpatient Care (CPES-IC)?

AVÐÇÇò, in partnership with stakeholders, sought to develop the first pan-Canadian patient experiences survey for inpatient care. The goal was to provide a national survey standard for comparative patient experience measures to facilitate benchmarking for quality improvement. 

AVÐÇÇò worked with the Inter-Jurisdictional Patient-Centred Measurement Advisory Group (IJG) and other national experts to review the Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (HCAHPS) survey, a standard American patient experience survey, and identify additional questions to include in the CPES-IC.

AVÐÇÇò used a multi-step process to select new questions. First, AVÐÇÇò and the IJG decided on important areas (domains) that were not covered in the HCAHPS questionnaire. This was done by reviewing existing patient experience survey questions used in Canada, the scientific literature and available survey data. Next, we conducted an extensive review of existing questionnaires used around the world related to those areas/domains and identified related questions. Experts from across the country reviewed existing questions and drafted new questions related to key themes in the domains. Subsequently, the new questions were reviewed with patients and then cognitively tested (May 2013) and pilot tested (September 2013) in both English and French to ensure that they are appropriate and understandable.

AVÐÇÇò continues to work with external stakeholders and experts to ensure that the survey still meets the needs of health jurisdictions, hospitals and data users and that it reflects the priorities of patients in Canadian hospitals. 

Learn more .

Has the CPES-IC been validated?

The CPES-IC has been validated and is endorsed by the Health Standards Organization and Accreditation Canada for patient experience surveying. AVÐÇÇò validated the survey questions and measures using data from our Canadian Patient Experiences Reporting System (CPERS) database. 2 sources of evidence were used to establish validity: the internal structure of the survey, and the relationships between different types of measures of patient experience from the survey. From this validation work, the CPES-IC dimensions had good overall fit at the patient level. Prior to validation, we also conducted pilot testing and cognitive testing of the survey; additional details about the development of the CPES-IC can be found in this paper .

Why are survey results adjusted for mode and service line?

The CPES-IC is currently completed in 3 modes: mail, online and telephone. The mode of survey completion may impact results by influencing the composition of respondents and the way respondents answer questions. Furthermore, the impact of mode of survey completion on CPES-IC results differs by the type of service a patient has received. Therefore, to account for the influence of these factors, AVÐÇÇò has quantified the impact of mode and service line on CPES-IC question responses and developed mode and service line adjustments (XLSX) for the CPES-IC survey.

Where can I find methodology information for the patient-reported experience measures (PREMs)?

Technical details (e.g., measure definitions, methodologies) for each PREM in AVÐÇÇò’s Your Health System web tool can be found on AVÐÇÇò’s Indicators web page. Additional details to support interpretation of CPES-IC results and to provide considerations when drawing comparisons can be found in the PREMs methodology notes (PDF).

For more information on the mode and service line adjustment values that are applied to the PREMs, see CPES-IC Mode and Service Line Adjustments — Data Tables (XLSX).


CPERS database

What is the Canadian Patient Experiences Reporting System (CPERS)?

See AVÐÇÇò’s web page about CPERS.

How can I access additional Canadian Patient Experiences Survey — Inpatient Care (CPES-IC) data? 

Hospitals that submit CPES-IC data to CPERS can request access to the Canadian Patient Experiences Survey (CPES): Comparative Results tool. This tool enables authorized users to assess inpatient experiences at their hospital, compare their results with those of other hospitals and across geographic levels, and explore trends over time. 

If you work at a hospital that submits data to CPERS, you can request access to the CPES: Comparative Results tool through your AVÐÇÇò profile. If you do not have a AVÐÇÇò profile, please create one by visiting cihi.ca and clicking Register at the top of page. For questions about access, please email help@cihi.ca.

Researchers, decision-makers and health managers can request specific data from CPERS though AVÐÇÇò’s Data Request Program. Complete our initial Data Inquiry Form to begin. We will then send you the formal Data Request Form to collect more information. 

To learn more about CPERS data, please visit AVÐÇÇò’s website or email prems@cihi.ca

How can I learn more about AVÐÇÇò’s patient experience data? 

Please visit AVÐÇÇò’s website or email prems@cihi.ca.

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