"Identifying Information: Name","Life Expectancy at Birth" "Identifying Information: Short/Other Names","Not applicable" "Identifying Information: Description","Number of years a person would be expected to live, starting at birth, if the age- and sex-specific mortality rates for a given reference period were held constant over his or her life span" "Background, Interpretation and Benchmarks: Rationale","Used worldwide, life expectancy at birth is understood as a measure of the general health of a population. By definition, life expectancy is affected by age- and sex-specific mortality rates in a particular reference period." "Background, Interpretation and Benchmarks: Interpretation","A higher life expectancy is considered an indicator of better overall health of the population." "Background, Interpretation and Benchmarks: HSP Framework Dimension","Improve health status of Canadians" "Background, Interpretation and Benchmarks: Areas of Need","Not applicable" "Background, Interpretation and Benchmarks: Targets/Benchmarks","Not applicable" "Available Data Years","2015 to 2017" "Available Data Years: Type of Year",Calendar "Availability of Results: Geographic Coverage","All provinces/territories" "Reporting Level/Disaggregation",International "Result Updates: Indicator Results","Web Tool:Your Health System: In DepthPDF:Accessing Indicator Results on Your Health System: In Depth (PDF)" "Update Frequency","Every year" "Result Updates: Latest Results Update Date","May 2020" "Result Updates: Updates","Not applicable" "Indicator Calculation: Description","Cumulative number of person-years lived, divided by the number of live births in the initial cohort.A period life table approach is used, applying the age- and sex-specific mortality rates for a given reference period to a hypothetical cohort.Life tables are usually constructed separately for men and women because of their different mortality rates." "Indicator Calculation: Type of Measurement","Average or mean" "Denominator: Description:","Population in an initial cohort of 100,000 live births" "Numerator: Description:","Cumulative number of person-years lived, for a cohort of 100,000 persons.Age- and sex-specific mortality rates corresponding to the reference period are applied to a hypothetical cohort, typically of 100,000. Starting at birth, the probability of dying at each age or age interval is applied to the number of people surviving to that age or the beginning of the age interval, respectively." "Numerator: Exclusions:","Rates used by Statistics Canada to calculate life expectancy are calculated with data that excludes the following:Births to mothers who are not residents of CanadaBirths to mothers who are residents of Canada whose province or territory of residence was unknownDeaths of non-residents of CanadaDeaths of residents of Canada whose province or territory of residence was unknownDeaths for which age or sex of the decedent was unknown" "Method of Adjustment","Not applicable" "Adjustment Applied",None "Indicator Calculation: Geographic Assignment","Place of residence" "Data Sources","Demography division, Statistics Canada" "Data Sources: Other Data Source","Statistics Canada, Table 13-10-0389-01: Life expectancy, at birth and at age 65, by sex, three-year average, Canada, provinces, territories, health regions and peer groups; OECD Health Statistics, 2016." "Quality Statement: Caveats and Limitations","This indicator does not provide information on the individual causes of deaths or on quality of life. The data is based on 2018 health region boundaries.For complete Canada coverage, each northern territory represents a health region." "Quality Statement: Trending Issues","Due to improvements in methodology and timeliness, the duration of data collection has been shortened compared with previous years. As a result, there may have been fewer deaths captured by the time of the release. The 2017 data is therefore considered preliminary.Estimates based on 3 years of pooled data are available at the regional level from 2000 to 2002 forward, with the most current data being for 2015 to 2017." "Quality Statement: Comments","Life expectancy does not provide information about the quality of life. Other measures have been developed using a composite of morbidity and mortality data. For example, health-adjusted life expectancy (HALE) is the average number of years that an individual is expected to live in a healthy state (PHAC, 2012).Indicator results are based on three years of pooled data. The reference point reflects the mid-point of a three-year period.Indicator results are also available onYour Health System: In Brief" References,"Goodyear M, Malhotra N. Life-tables and their demographic applications. Accessed February 2020.Statistics Canada. Methods for Constructing Life Tables for Canada, Provinces and Territories. 2019.Public Health Agency of Canada Steering Committee on Health-Adjusted Life Expectancy. Health-Adjusted Life Expectancy in Canada: 2012 Report by the Public Health Agency of Canada. 2012.Statistics Canada. Health indicators definitions and data sources. Accessed February 2020."