Canadian MIS Database: Definitions of Key Metrics and Terms

Definitions of Key CMDB Metrics and Terms
Ambulatory Care Services Visits-(MIS Primary Account 71 3* and MIS Statistical Secondary Accounts 4 50 *) The occasions during which service recipient activities are provided face-to-face or by videoconference within ambulatory care service functional centres on an individual or group basis. These services are documented according to the health service organization's policy and are provided for longer than five minutes.
Beds Staffed and in Operation-(MIS Primary Account 71 2 * and MIS Statistical Secondary Account 8 25) The beds and cribs available and staffed to provide services to inpatient/residents at the required type and level of service, at the beginning of the fiscal year. Includes bassinets set up outside the nursery and used for infants other than newborns.
Emergency Visits-(MIS Primary Account 71 3 10* and MIS Statistical Secondary Accounts 4 50 *) The occasions during which service recipient activities are provided face-to-face or by videoconference within the emergency department on an individual or group basis. These services are documented according to the health service organization's policy and are provided for longer than five minutes.
Hospital-Hospitals are institutions where patients are accommodated on the basis of medical and nursing need and are provided with continuing medical care and supporting diagnostic and therapeutic services. Hospitals are licensed or approved as hospitals by a provincial/territorial government, or are operated by the Government of Canada and include those providing acute care, extended and chronic care, rehabilitation and convalescent care, and psychiatric care.
Hospital Expenses Net of Recoveries-(MIS Financial Secondary Accounts 12*, 3*, 4*, 5*, 6*, 7*, 8*, 9*) Expenses incurred by a hospital for compensation, supplies, sundry, equipment, contracted-out services and building and grounds less recoveries. Recoveries are the revenue arising from services provided and can be external to the functional centre, external to the health care health service organization/site or external to the legal entity.
Inpatient Admissions-(MIS Statistical Secondary Account 4 01*) The official acceptance into the health service organization of an adult/child/newborn/ postnatal newborn, who requires medical and/or health services on a time limited basis. The admission procedure involves the assignment of a bed, bassinet or incubator. Admission of a newborn is deemed to occur at the time of birth, or in the case of postnatal newborns, at the time of admission of the mother to the health service organization.
Inpatient Days-(MIS Statistical Secondary Account 4 03*) The days during which services are provided to an inpatient, between the census taking hours on successive days. The day of admission is counted as an inpatient day but the day of separation is not an inpatient day. When the service recipient is admitted and separated (discharged or died) on the same day, one inpatient day is counted.
Specialty Day/Night Care Visits-(MIS Primary Account 71 3 40*, 71 3 60*, 71 3 62*, 71 3 65*, 71 3 67*, 71 3 69* and MIS Statistical Secondary Accounts 4 50*) The occasions during which service recipient activities are provided face-to-face or by videoconference within specialty day/night care functional centres on an individual or group basis. These services are documented according to the health service organization's policy.  Registered persons in these functional centres attend for three to twelve hours on average, typically as the result of a referral from a primary care practitioner. 

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